You're reading: Poroshenko says it is necessary to speed up investigation into cases against Kurchenko

ODESA – Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko considers it necessary to speed up the investigation into criminal cases against businessman Serhiy Kurchenko.

“We will do everything to accelerate the investigation and the objects that belong to him (Kurchenko) are not stolen from the state,” Poroshenko told reporters during a visit to Odesa region.

In his opinion, Kurchenko is a criminal, and therefore he is on the wanted list and a criminal case against him was initiated.

Kurchenko has been put on the international wanted list. During the investigation the pre-trial authority arrested the property and other assets of the suspects for a total of more than Hr 2.8 billion.

Kurchenko figures in the criminal proceedings as the leader of a criminal organization, which in 2010 – early 2014 committed serious crimes in the sphere of business operations with liquefied gas.