You're reading: Russia’s Industry and Trade Ministry to make proposals on changing sanctions against Ukraine if necessary

MOSCOW – The Russian Industry and Trade Ministry will be ready, if necessary, to make proposals on changing the sanctions against Ukraine, the ministry told Interfax.

“In according with the Russian government resolution, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade has been vested with responsibility to ensure balanced goods markets and prevent negative effects from the imposed economic measures on the operation of Russian organizations. This mandate certainly involves prompt monitoring and, where necessary, adjusting the imposed restrictions,” the ministry said.

“In this context it should be noted that Clause 4 of said resolution allows issuance of temporary permits to carry out certain operations with particular legal entities subject to the imposed sanctions. In other words, basically the resolution has a built-in mechanism which grants temporary exemptions should these be necessary to protect the interests of Russian companies. Thus, the Russian Industry and Trade Ministry has the possibility to employ, if necessary, this mechanism where carrying out this or other external-economic operation would be in the Russian interest.”