You're reading: SBI investigating whether Poroshenko crossed state border illegally on fake documents

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) is investigating the possible facts of organization of the illegal transportation of the ex-president of Ukraine through the Ukrainian state border.

“SBI investigators will check information about the organization by the ex-president of illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine using false documents. In addition, the possible putting of false data to official documents by state customs and border authorities in order to ensure border crossing will be cleared up,” the SBI report on Facebook reads.

According to the report, the pre-trial investigation was launched on the grounds of criminal offenses provided for in Part 1 of Article 366 (official forgery), Part 1 of Article 332 (illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine), Part 4 of Article 358 (use of a deliberately forged document) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The name of the former head of state is not indicated in the report.