You're reading: Supreme Court head: Reforming of courts in Ukraine won’t reduce citizens’ access to justice

Head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine Valentyna Danishevska has said that as a result of reforming the judicial system in Ukraine the access of citizens to justice would not decrease.

“I would like to calm you down saying that the reforming of courts will not in any way lead to people getting less access, i.e. there will be formally less courts as institutions, but there won’t be less court premises and judges,” she said at the round table in Kyiv, devoted to the issue of gender discrimination.

According to her, there will be one court that will be located in several settlements.

“It is necessary to ensure the right to consider a case by a certain number of judges, so that, for example, it is always possible to create a panel of five or seven judges, if the case requires it. The judicial administration is studying this issue and carefully monitoring the fact that people do not lose what they had,” Danishevska said.