You're reading: Survey: Some 29 percent of Ukrainians consider it necessary to reduce president’s powers

More than a quarter of Ukrainians believe that it is necessary to reduce the powers of the president, according to a poll conducted by the Social Monitoring Center and the Oleksandr Yaremenko Ukrainian Institute for Social Research.

According to the results of the social research, presented in Kyiv on Thursday, 46 percent of respondents answered that the president’s powers should be left unchanged, 29% of them consider they should be reduced, 14% of them think they should be increased, while 11 percent found it difficult to answer the relevant question.

In addition, 45% of respondents believe that the further development of Ukraine lies in the development and implementation of economic and cultural development, primarily focused on internal capabilities and resources, 41 percent – in European integration and rapprochement of the country with the European Union, 10 percent – in restoration and the expansion of relations with Russia, despite the occupation of Crimea and parts of Donbas, and 4 percent of respondents found it difficult to answer.

The survey was conducted by personal interview method on September 11-18, 2018. Some 2,007 respondents aged over 18 were interviewed in 24 regions of the country. The margin of error is 1.34-2.24 percent.