You're reading: Ukrainian Defense Ministry delegation briefs NATO on escalation in Donbas

The delegation headed by First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ivan Rusnak has taken part in the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defense Reform (JWGDF), Ukraine’s mission to the alliance said.

“During the meeting held under the chairmanship of NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Defense Policy and Planning Jonathan Parish, a range of issues related to the reform of the security and defense sector of our country was discussed. Special attention was paid to the efforts of Ukraine in the context of reforming of Ministry of Defense, State Border Guard and the National Guard of Ukraine according to NATO standards,” the report reads.

The meeting participants also considered the reforming of the Ukrainian system of military education, including implementation the NATO program on improvement of military education (DEEP) in Ukraine.

According to the mission, the Ukrainian delegation spoke about the escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine. It provided the information on casualties among Ukrainian servicemen caused by attacks of pro-Russian separatists.

In their turn, representatives of the Allies stressed that NATO will continue to provide Ukraine with political and practical support.