You're reading: Ukrainian soldier wounded amid five enemy attacks in Donbas in past 24 hours

Over the past day, Russian mercenaries in Donbas opened fire on Ukrainian positions in Donbas five times, with Ukrainian soldier reported as wounded in action, who was hospitalized later, the press center of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) said.

“Over the past day, on January 26, in the area of the Joint Forces Operation, five ceasefire violations were recorded. In the area of responsibility of the Pivnich (North) tactical group near Novo-Oleksandrivka, the armed formations of the Russian Federation opened fire from automatic heavy-duty grenade launchers, hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, large-caliber machine gun, small arms and sniper weapons. As a result of the targeted shelling of the positions of the Ukrainian defenders, one member of the Joint Forces was wounded by a bullet. The soldier was promptly provided with first aid and was evacuated to a hospital,” the JFO staff said in its morning update on Facebook on Jan. 26.

In addition, near Novozvanivka, the enemy used an automatic heavy grenade launcher.

Not far from Avdiyivka, in the area of responsibility of the Skhid (East) operational-tactical group, the enemy fired from an anti-tank grenade launcher and a heavy machine gun. And on the outskirts of Maryinka, the use of sniper weapons was recorded.

The press center stressed that Ukrainian defenders opened fire in response to shelling attacks of the enemy.