You're reading: Update on situation in Mariupol

Here is an update from Mariupol from the deputy commander of the Azov regiment, Captain Svyatoslav Palamar, issued on March 18 pm.

At the time when I am talking to you, street fights in the city are going on. Enemy aircraft and artillery are working non-stop. The city is being leveled to the ground.

The Russians invaders shoot those who were connected with the army. People are being taken hostage.

The process of cleaing the debris of the city’s Drama Theater is continuing. The number of people who have died from this cynical crime of the Russian Federation is still unknown.

Defenders of the city continue their heroic struggle. They courageously continue the defense. Including fighting with trophy weapons captured from the invaders.

We are waiting for the arrival of the main forces and the city’s unblocking.

The Ukrainian army destroys a dozen armored vehicles and much enemy manpower every day.

I want the whole Ukraine to be proud of the heroic struggle of the city’s defenders and inform the whole world about it.

I emphasize that Putin needs Mariupol to show the weakness of our state. That he needs Mariupol to create a land route to Crimea, and to hide the real number of civilian casualties.

After all, everything the invaders tell you is different from reality.

Mariupol continues to be a Ukrainian city. The struggle continues!