You're reading: Vakarchuk: Ukraine should offer attractive living conditions to stop Donbas war

Holos party leader and musician Sviatoslav Vakarchuk has urged Ukrainian politicians and administration members not to promise the population a rapid end to the war in Donbas but to do their best to end it on conditions that are advantageous for Ukraine.

“If you see someone who tells you they know for sure how to end this war, I think that won’t be true, this person will be either lying or not understand what they’re talking about. This is a multifaceted, complex process. I am warning all politicians, including those currently in office: do not promise people to rapidly end this war, but instead promise that you will do your best to end it as soon as possible on terms that are advantageous for Ukraine,” Vakarchuk said in a program aired by the television channel TRK Ukraine on Sunday night.

He named two factors mandatory for ending the war in Donbas.

“Factor one: we should make the territories we control today a haven, a showcase of truly free living, where people feel dignified, protected, prosperous, and secure. When we set an example in our country, fix the economy, finally implement the supremacy of law with deeds rather than words, treat every individual as the best, and (…) stop dividing people into better and worse, then I am sure that people living in uncontrolled territories would want to join us one way or another as soon as they can. Then it will be much easier to deal with the situation,” Vakarchuk said.

Secondly, one should not forget that people living on the other side of the contact line are our people too, Vakarchuk said.

“We should stretch out a helping hand and stop treating them as second-rate. Every one of them, irrespective of their political views, must be shown that we are waiting for them and thinking about them, and that we will be together one day,” he said.