You're reading: Dodon: Moldova facing year of struggle between president and government

CHISINAU – Moldovan President Igor Dodon believes that the parliament and the government will continue to block any of his decisions and attempts at reforms, which became crystal-clear after the Constitutional Court passed a ruling on the president’s initiative of holding an advisory referendum on pressing Moldovan affairs on September 24.

“Yet people can see that, people clearly understand everything. We will achieve the goals we have set for ourselves anyway. This will happen in the next parliamentary election,” Dodon told Interfax in an interview.

“The country is facing a year of the hard struggle between the president for one part and the parliament and the government for the other part. If the parliament tries to depose the president, there will be a referendum which this parliament and these authorities will be compelled to hold,” Dodon said.

“A parliamentary election will come next, and it will be won by pro-presidential forces. Then Moldova will build a power vertical and fruitful cooperation will develop between the president, the parliament and the government. As soon as the parliamentary election is held, I will go back to the question of presidential powers, and until then the parliament will be blocking any of my steps in that field,” he said.

As to whether he was frightened of the dangerous division of Moldovan society into ‘pro-European’ and ‘pro-Russian’, Dodon said, “Moldova has always been this way.”

“Unfortunately, we will be unable to avoid that in the coming years. I would be happy if we manage to create a pro-Moldovan parliamentary majority and a pro-Moldovan government after the parliamentary election so that we could impose a veto on geopolitical battles for a particular period of time,” the president said.