President of the European Council Charles Michel says that by attacking Ukraine, Russia attacked not only one country, it attacked the values of the United Nations.

“The Kremlin may prohibit and prosecute the use of the word ‘war’, but that does not change the heartbreaking reality. Thousands of dead Ukrainian women, children and men. Atrocities. Rapes. Countless Ukrainian cities bombed into rubble. This is a war. A barbaric war waged by a permanent member of this Council,” he said in New York on Monday, speaking at a meeting of the Security Council.

Addressing the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UN, Michel assured that the EU “will continue to support your country and your people. And we will continue to pressure Russia and confront Russia with the truth.” “Russia is attacking one country, one people, Ukraine. But Russia is also attacking the values and principles of this house. Human dignity, tolerance, multilateral cooperation and international law. These are our shared values, the bedrock of this house. So this is more than a war against one nation. It is a war against all that we have built over generations since World War II, ” the President of the European Council said.


At the same time, he assured that the EU’s commitment to the UN principles is “unwavering.” “The European Union is a reliable, loyal and respectful partner. We will continue to cooperate on the global stage to build a safer, freer and more prosperous world,” Michel stressed.

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