Serhiy Kolyada on the public ostracization at the Olympics of Rascizts and their like.
Aug. 10
Serhiy Kolyada on Trump losing steam as Harris accelerates
Aug. 6
Serhiy Kolyada on the Raszists worrying that 'something new in the air' could make a diffrence.
Aug. 3
Top News
Serhiy Kolyada on the emerging new axis of evil boasting that the cards are in its hands. Who will challenge this 'team'?
Jul. 16
Serhiy Kolyada: No peace until the Rasszist beast is slain.
Jul. 10
Serhiy Kolyada on Orban off to pay homage to the anti-European tsar
Jul. 5
Serhiy Kolyada on Moscow enticing migrant workers and would-be citizens to die for its imperialist cause.
Jun. 29
Serhiy Kolyada on Kim and Pu on the road leading to the abyss.
Jun. 22
Serhiy Kolyada on the Moscow-Bejing anti Ukrainian and anti-Western axis.
Jun. 7
Serhiy Kolyada on the mobilization of Russia's right-wing allies in the European elections.
Jun. 2
War in Ukraine
Serhiy Kolyada on the latest failure by Rasshist unlimited cannon fodder to break through Ukraine's defenses.
May. 24
Serhiy Kolyada on the realities behind Moscow's Victory Day celebrations.
May. 9
Serhiy Kolyada on the Kremlin's godless 'religious' auxiliaries preparing their flock for Easter.
May. 4