Rising War Insurance Costs Threaten Ukrainian Exports
Iryna Kosse
Rising War Insurance Costs Threaten Ukrainian Exports
The world must act decisively to protect not only Ukraine's economic interests but also global food security and the principle of free maritime trade
North Korean Troops in Ukraine – A Wake-up Call
Alexander Vindman
North Korean Troops in Ukraine – A Wake-up Call
Inching towards a world war because of the lack of deterrence from Washington’s ‘de-escalation’ policy
10th Mountain Medics, Mr. Zelensky’s Nukes, North Korean Commandos
Stefan Korshak
10th Mountain Medics, Mr. Zelensky’s Nukes, North Korean Commandos
Video from Ukraine’s mountain medics, how Zelensky smartly used the “N-word,” and why North Korean Commandos’ tae kwan probably won’t help against Ukraine’s drones.
Epilogue of the Russian Empire Wanted
Askold S. Lozynskyj
Epilogue of the Russian Empire Wanted
Any negotiated settlement that rewards Russia with territory or precludes Ukraine from iron-clad Western security guarantees will only embolden Moscow.
Mars, Morals, and the War
Charles Cockell
Mars, Morals, and the War
Our ambitions to settle the planets are for nothing if the cost is human dignity and freedom.
Attention: This is How World Wars Begin
Jonathan Sweet
Attention: This is How World Wars Begin
North Korea has boots on the ground in Ukraine and it’s a significant red flag. But is it getting the right amount of attention from the U.S. and NATO?
Russia’s Clownish Convoy of Threats
Dr. Orhan Dragas
Russia’s Clownish Convoy of Threats
NATO needs to stop tiptoeing around Russia’s threats and treat it for what it is: a rogue state responsible not only for war crimes in Ukraine but also for destabilizing global security
No Compromising With the Kremlin
Ihor N. Stelmach
No Compromising With the Kremlin
Despite all the talk of peace in exchange for Ukraine’s ceding territory, the reality is that Moscow will not be satisfied unless it control Kyiv. This would be disastrous for the West.
Harris’s Public Performances Have Left Many Doubting What She Stands For
Lord Ashcroft
Harris’s Public Performances Have Left Many Doubting What She Stands For
My latest focus groups in Nevada and Wisconsin
Trump’s Rhetoric Threatens Global Security
Dr. Orhan Dragas
Trump’s Rhetoric Threatens Global Security
Trump’s comments go beyond mere irresponsibility. They are dangerous because they shift the blame from the aggressor to the victim and cloud the international discourse.
A Tacit Peace Proposal from the Kremlin?
Anders Aslund
A Tacit Peace Proposal from the Kremlin?
Influential Russian media figure appears to be floating what reads like an implicit Kremlin trial balloon.
Why It Must Be ‘Nukes and NATO’
Stepan Stepanenko
Why It Must Be ‘Nukes and NATO’
Ukraine cannot afford to view its security options as a binary choice between nuclear armament and NATO membership.