Armenia and Kazakhstan Reveal Cracks in Russian-Led Regional Blocs
Steve Brown
Armenia and Kazakhstan Reveal Cracks in Russian-Led Regional Blocs
Armenia’s snubbing of Moscow-led summits combined with Kazakhstan’s leader’s behavior during President Putin’s recent visit may indicate a fundamental change in the existing power dynamic.
Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone in Ukraine: An Overview in-depth
Bohdan Tuzov
Russian Lancet Kamikaze Drone in Ukraine: An Overview
Ukrainian troops have identified Russia’s ZALA Lancet kamikaze drones as a major threat and are devising ways to protect themselves on the battlefield.
Whatever Happened to Putin’s ‘Wonder Weapons?’
Steve Brown
Whatever Happened to Putin’s ‘Wonder Weapons?’
At regular intervals spanning some 20 years in power, Vladimir Putin has unveiled “game-changing” high-tech weapons systems, most of which have yet to appear on the Ukrainian battlefield.
Ukraine Deploys Female Soldiers in Combat, Russia Doesn’t – Is That About to Change?
Steve Brown
Ukraine Deploys Female Soldiers in Combat, Russia Doesn’t – Is That About to Change?
More than 50,000 Ukrainian women serve in the military, with many deployed to combat roles but Russian women are rarely deployed to the front line – until now.
Rumors of Putin’s Death Just Won’t Go Away
Steve Brown
Rumors of Putin’s Death Just Won’t Go Away
Despite the Kremlin saying reports of Putin’s demise were a hoax and others suggesting it’s a Russian plot to weed out disloyal regime members, claims that a “double” now sits in his place persist.
Special Ops Amateur Hour, More Booms and Zelensky Snookers Himself
Stefan Korshak
Special Ops Amateur Hour, More Booms and Zelensky Snookers Himself
The latest musings from Stefan Korshak on Ukrainian behind-the-scenes political maneuvers and media and narrative failures.
Tucker Carlson Raises Red Flags Again With Bogus ‘Journalist Union’ Rep
Jason Jay Smart
Tucker Carlson Raises Red Flags Again With Bogus ‘Journalist Union’ Rep
Fired Fox News host interviews representative of group critics say is “neither a Union nor professional journalists” but shills for Moscow’s political and religious worldviews.
Russia's War Casualties: Insight into Russian Losses in Ukraine in-depth
Steve Brown
Russia's War Casualties: Insight into Russian Losses in Ukraine
Russia has made no public statements on the military casualty figures it has suffered in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but Kyiv claims 22,920 died in Ukraine in October alone.
Russian MiG-31s With Kinzhal Missiles Over the Black Sea: What You Need to Know in-depth
Bohdan Tuzov
Russian MiG-31s With Kinzhal Missiles Over the Black Sea: What You Need to Know
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has announced that Russian Air Force MiG-31 warplanes will begin “permanent patrols” of the Black Sea.
Why The US's New Speaker of the House is Bad News For Ukraine
Jason Jay Smart
Why The US's New Speaker of the House is Bad News For Ukraine
Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana's strong anti-Ukraine record speaks for itself: Ominous times are ahead for Ukraine's US support.
The Evolution of Russia's ‘Red Lines’ and Nuclear Threats
Alisa Orlova
The Evolution of Russia's ‘Red Lines’ and Nuclear Threats
Recently, the Kremlin's threats to the West and Ukraine about crossing certain "red lines" have turned into an anecdote reminiscent of the famous "China’s final warning.”
Can the Russian Army Really Be that Stupid? (One Guess)
Stefan Korshak
Can the Russian Army Really Be that Stupid? (One Guess)
Over the past three weeks, Russia has thrown away something like two to four brigades of trained, regular army troops, against the very strongest Ukrainian fortifications, in the area of Avdiivka.