A photo of the Rodina Mat monument cutting through the Kyiv fog with a sword, taken by Kyiv photographer Sergey Ristenko, has won a People’s Choice Prize in the international SkyPixel Aerial Photography & Video Contest 2018 on March 20.

The contest features photos and videos shot with camera drones by both professionals and amateurs. People’s Choice Prize winners are chosen based on the number of likes a featured project receives on the contest’s website. There are nine other winners of the prize.

Ristenko’s winning photo can be seen at his exhibition in the It’s not the Louvr Gallery Bar (4 Viacheslava Lypynskoho St.) until April 3.

One of Ristenko’s photographs was exhibited at the Columbus Museum of Art and another was featured in the New York Times compilation that mashed-up photos by Ukrainian and Russian photographers.


Before becoming a street photographer, Ristenko used to be a political photo correspondent. He publishes his photographs on Instagram.

The 102-meter Rodina Mat monument was built in 1981, when Ukraine was a part of the Soviet Union. It faces towards Moscow, so since Russia launched its war on Ukraine in the Donbas in 2014, Kyivans have joked that Rodina Mat defends them against Russia. 

The Rodina Mat monument is a part of the World War II Museum complex in Kyiv (44 Ivana Mazepy St.)

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