President Volodymyr Zelensky shared a video on his social media showcasing the aftermath of Thursday’s massive Russian missile attack on Kharkiv, which destroyed one of the largest printing houses in Europe, Factor-Druk.

The attack resulted in the deaths of seven civilians, all of whom were employees of the printing house. The Kharkiv Regional Military Administration confirmed the fatalities, and Vivat stated that the “Factor-Druk” printing house was destroyed.

“Yesterday’s attack by Russia on the Kharkiv region, which resulted in the deaths and injuries of civilians, the destruction of a printing press, and the burning of 50,000 books, demonstrates that Russia is at war with humanity and all aspects of normal life,” Zelensky said.

The president stressed that Russian terror must be defeated.

“And for this, only one thing is needed – the determination of world leaders. Sufficient anti-aircraft defense for Ukrainian cities and communities, sufficient long-range capabilities for our soldiers, and sufficiently bold political decisions,” he said.

On May 23, Russian forces targeted the Kholodnohirsky and Osnovyansky districts of Kharkiv and the settlement of Lubotyn. Several sites were hit, including a printing company.

The Russian army launched at least 15 strikes on the city, using S-300 missiles. Zelensky reacted to the attack, saying, “Extremely brutal Russian attack against Kharkiv and Lubotyn.”

He said that the Russians are exploiting Ukraine's lack of sufficient anti-aircraft defense and the inability to destroy Russian launchers near the Ukrainian border.

“This weakness is not our weakness, but the world’s, which for the third year has not dared to treat terrorists exactly as they deserve,” Zelensky said.

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