Russia will regard Western F-16 fighter jets sent to Ukraine as a “nuclear” threat because of their capacity to carry atomic weapons, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.

Modern warplanes have been at the forefront of Kyiv’s demands for military aid from its Western allies as it fights back against Russia’s offensive.

Lavrov spoke of a US plan to transfer F-16s to Ukraine, although Washington has not given the go-ahead for any country to supply them.

“Russia cannot ignore the ability of these aircraft to carry nuclear weapons. No amount of assurances will help here,” Lavrov was quoted as saying by the Russian foreign ministry.

“In the course of combat operations, our servicemen are not going to sort out whether each particular aircraft of this type is equipped to deliver nuclear weapons or not.


“We will regard the very fact that the Ukrainian armed forces have such systems as a threat from the West in the nuclear sphere.”

The Netherlands and Denmark are leading a plan to train Ukrainian pilots on using the US-made aircraft as part of an 11-nation coalition.

The programme will begin in Denmark in August after the United States authorised the move.

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Comments (7)
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Umm, doesn’t Russia *currently* operate Tu-22 and other aircraft in Ukrainian airspace that were developed to carry nuclear weapons?

Lavrov, try another argument.
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glad ukraine gets nato after the war only seems like there preident wants others to fight now after the war sir only unless a republican says no? this is usa biden is soon done if he can talllllk who is who over there ????
I support
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Ukraine gave up there nukes in 1991 so whatever assholes. No one wants to nuke Russia. Perhaps you grasped the fact that you committed war crimes and are paranoid about that. I would be paybacks a bitch. Do you honestly think that's what people want? Even with all the war crimes committed Ukraine wants to defeat you in a conventional war your so stupid Russia your Pathetic and weak.
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ZZZZZZ. Who cares what a failed state of drunk racists think. Time to go away putin.
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And all the trucks and other vehicles that Ukraine has that could carry a nuke is not a threat a well? Not to mention the existing MIG 29's and SU's that could carry nuclear weapons.

Just because something can carry a nuke does not make it a nuclear threat....

Now if Russia would kindly return all the nuclear warheads that Ukraine gave up for a guarantee of borders and sovereignty - then Russia might face a nuclear threat.
Pat Frankewicz
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Do we have your attention now, Foreign Minister Lavrov? Good. Next on the agenda, tactical nukes might be sent to Kyiv so President Zelensky can level the playing field. Unprecedented? Not really. In August 1945, the US used a nuke to "get Japan's attention". Maybe it's time to give Ukraine the same option for stopping Russian aggression. The Lisbon Protocol and Budapest Memorandum sure as hell didn't stop Russia from subsequently attacking Ukraine twice.

If the ICAN research is correct, "The (Budapest) memoranda... prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan..." Hmmm... is it not fair to conclude that Russia has grossly violated this Agreement? And did the West not persuade Ukraine to give up the nukes in its possession, as a compromise for the Lisbon Protocol and Budapest Memorandum?

So... is the West not somewhat responsible for the situation that Ukraine is in, in terms of losing a strong deterrent to counter Putin's aggression? I say give Zelensky whatever weapons he asks for, and then let him (his Govt) decide how to use them, or not. What would you do if your country was under attack?
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Yet another lame attempt by Russia to scare the West. Don't think anyone cares at this point.