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War in Ukraine

PUBLIC OPINION: Can Peace Talks With Russia Happen Without Ukraine?

Should the world’s top powers be talking with Russia about ending its war without Ukraine’s participation? If so, why?

Kyiv Post correspondents are still exploring public opinion on the most high-profile questions.

This time, they took to the streets of New York and London to gather firsthand perspectives on another issue: Should the world’s top powers be talking with Russia about ending its war without Ukraine’s participation? If so, why?

When questioned, both Londoners and New Yorkers largely shared highly similar sentiments. Only one of the people spoken to on the street seemed open to the idea of not involving Ukraine.
He said that while not ideal “it’s the right move if that’s all that can take place.

“However, everyone else said that Ukraine needs to have a voice in its own destiny.

One woman said that it would be “ridiculous” not to involve Ukraine.

Another said: “I think somebody should come in and take over Russia.

Watch the video to find out more.

Comments (7)
bill lunn
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There are always conversations going on between adversaries somewhere at some level that ultimately set the stage for formal negotiations. Elon Musk's peace plan is the most ' logical ' but unacceptable to both sides, including the impossibility of genuine implementation. In the end, something is going to have to give, and whatever that is, will be at a minimum dramatic, and more likely than not, fraught with grave consequences, for one or both parties, and the world at large. Biden and the people around him are incapable of getting this right......
Susan Share
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Putin needs to be stopped or he will continue to invade any country he feels he can bringing death to troops on both sides unbearable think of civilians lost. We in UK know full well we could not negotiate with hilter same with Putin need to speak the only language dictators recognise.....we fight fight fight and never ever surrender Ukrainian people have the same spirit ......putin can not win the people of Ukraine have no choices but to fight and win prey that is soon
Amanda Wright
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Ukraine simply want Russians to go home and after their behavior, ALL Russian need to leave Ukraine and go back to their Motherland. If they believe Kremlin policies go to Russia.
Brian Tousley
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I am in Ukraine, walk the streets, talk to the people, see their heart, memorials and flags everywhere. Faces of Ukrainian military men are on billboards everywhere. Smashed Russian Armor is on display. They want it all back, and will not negotiate.
gavan duffy
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It is probable the Republican Party will win the 2024 US election. Unfortunately there are candidates for the presidency,namely Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswarmy who would force an unfavourable end to the war on Ukraine.Ukraine must be ready for this eventuality.
These same two candidates are ambivalent on defending Taiwan also.
I think the US may be retreating into a form of isolationism.
Joseph Swanson
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Complete waste of time to pose such questions because there is only one answer...and that is... NOTHING is discussed and agreed upon without representatives from the Ukrainian government...and the same goes for any other nation and people.
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The huge majority of Canadians, including our key leadership (Liberal, NDP, PC, Green, BQ) in solidarity, would never support a peace discussion which did not include as the deciding voice Ukraine. I say this with great confidence. Albeit I have no ties to Ukraine personally, Canada is happy to have the 3rd or 4th largest population of hard working and culturally interesting Ukrainians of all nations. The Ukrainian government's currently proposed peace plan is quite palatable to us. The fading putin regime's farce of a plan in contrast is delusional. I actually suspect inviting anyone from the Putin regime to the peace discussion would be pointless. Russians will need overthrow their current leadership and appoint representation from outside that morally dysfunctional leadership circle to ever have a credible voice on the global stage again. Most likely some humane and intelligent Putin political prisoner or political expat will rise to the challenge and humbly request the world forgive his country for keeping that criminal madman and his thugs in power so long. Its going to be a harsh awakening and generational embarrassment for the average brainwashed Russian coming to terms with the evil their country has inflicted on their neighbor Ukraine.

Its your call Ukraine as when and how you want to end the war started by Russia.

Slava Ukraini.

Frankie Goet to Bollywood
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@John, Героям слава! Thank you, Canada!👍🇨🇦