Poland Continues to Prepare Citizens for War With Russia
Steve Brown
Poland Continues to Prepare Citizens for War With Russia
Poland increasingly sees war with Moscow as being inevitable and it doesn’t intend for its armed forces or its citizens to be found wanting as it prepares to defend itself.
Everyone Fears Battlefield Drones – How Long Will They Reign Supreme?
Steve Brown
Everyone Fears Battlefield Drones – How Long Will They Reign Supreme?
France’s Army Chief says the current domination of small drones on the battlefield will be short-lived as countermeasures development will erode the advantage they offer.
The Last Few Months Show Ukraine Can Win the War – But Don’t Show That It Will
Phillips P. OBrien
The Last Few Months Show Ukraine Can Win the War – But Don’t Show That It Will
If armed properly, Ukraine can definitely win the war. Until now, however, there have been only enough arms to prevent the Russians from overwhelming Ukrainian defenses.
Why Ukrainians Are Buying Up War Bonds Like Hot Cakes
Olena Hrazhdan
Why Ukrainians Are Buying Up War Bonds Like Hot Cakes
While Ukrainians have limited financial instruments to invest in, Russia's full-scale invasion has energized patriotic investing, and Kyiv's made bonds a lot easier for the average Joe to buy.
Another Throw of the Dice – Russia Deploys Prometheus Anti-Missile System to Crimea
Steve Brown
Another Throw of the Dice – Russia Deploys Prometheus Anti-Missile System to Crimea
With the S-300 / S-400 air defense systems proving ineffective against Ukraine's ATACMS strikes, Russian forces in Crimea have turned to the more advanced S-500 system for protection.
Putin’s Latest Unrealistic Offer of Peace Dismissed Out of Hand by Kyiv
Steve Brown
Putin’s Latest Unrealistic Offer of Peace Dismissed Out of Hand by Kyiv
On the eve of the Global Peace Summit, Russia’s president once again tries to muddy the waters with another blatantly obvious offer of peace guaranteed to be turned down by Kyiv.
Slimmed-Down Agenda of Swiss Peace Summit Aims to Secure Consensus
Steve Brown
Slimmed-Down Agenda of Swiss Peace Summit Aims to Secure Consensus
With 90 countries and organizations expected to attend the event, the agenda is likely to include only three of 10 points in President Zelensky’s peace plan.
Is Twitter’s Russia Problem Getting ‘Alarmingly’ Worse?
Jason Jay Smart
Is Twitter’s Russia Problem Getting ‘Alarmingly’ Worse?
There are growing concerns that Russia is attempting to influence the outcome of the upcoming US elections, as it did in 2016. The lack of action to prevent Moscow’s plan has startled experts.
Ukraine’s Drone Wars Will Impact Future Designs of Armored Vehicles
Steve Brown
Ukraine’s Drone Wars Will Impact Future Designs of Armored Vehicles
Gen. Omar Bradley’s words, “We should not fight new wars with old weapons,” have been amply demonstrated on Ukraine’s battlefields – lessons weapons designers are (belatedly) taking on board.
Should Ukraine be Allowed to Use Western Weapons on Russian Territory?
Andreas Umland
Should Ukraine be Allowed to Use Western Weapons on Russian Territory?
Andreas Umland, analyst at the Stockholm Center for Eastern European Studies gives Kyiv Post his take on the relaxation of the limitations on Ukraine’s use of Western supplied weapons.
Digging Trenches – Ukrainian Military Engineers and the Art of Preparing Field Defenses
Bohdan Tuzov
Digging Trenches – Ukrainian Military Engineers and the Art of Preparing Field Defenses
Trenches and fortifications are as vital in modern warfare as they have been since before WWI, the truth of which is borne witness on a daily basis by the war in Ukraine.
The Russian Art of Mudslinging and Conspiracy-mongering
Jason Jay Smart
The Russian Art of Mudslinging and Conspiracy-mongering
Whenever a world leader dies, either by sinister or natural causes, you can be sure Moscow will warp the narrative to sow, if not panic, then at least cynicism and doubt.