The Polish Senate, the country’s Upper House, unanimously adopted a resolution by 85 votes on Oct. 26, recognizing the authorities of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime.

In the resolution, the Senate “strongly condemns Russian aggression and calls on all countries that support peace, democracy, and human rights to recognize the authority of the Russian Federation as a terrorist regime.”

The senators reminded that on Feb. 24, 2022, the armed forces of the Russian Federation unleashed a brutal war against Ukraine, in their desire to wipe sovereign Ukraine off the world map and destroy its people.

They stress that the heroic defense of independence by the citizens of Ukraine has prompted the admiration of the entire free world. “Ukraine today is the most important place where democracy and freedom are defended,” the document states.


In the resolution, the senators point out that Russian occupiers terrorize residents of Ukrainian cities by bombing civilian targets.

“Bandits in Russian uniforms torture and kill prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territories. They kidnap Ukrainian children, deport, resettle and send Ukrainian citizens to Russia’s far periphery,” the resolution states

According to the document, Europeans believed they would never face genocide and war crimes again. Meanwhile, Putin and his apparatus of violence have reverted to the brutal practices employed by the Stalinist and Nazi regimes.

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“Independent media plays a vital role in ensuring the continued flow of information to Russian audiences,” Brussels explains.

“Therefore, Russia must be defeated and deprived of the opportunity to endanger its neighbors,” Polish senators believe.

The Estonian Parliament adopted a resolution on Oct. 18 recognizing Russia as a sponsor of terrorism.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) unanimously adopted a resolution on Oct. 13 calling the Russian Federation a terrorist regime. The resolution also included an amendment calling on air defense systems to be provided to Ukraine. PACE became the first international organization to recognize Russia as a terrorist state.


Poland has a two chamber Parliament made up of the Sejm and the Senate. The Sejm consist of 460 elected members who serve for a four-year term, while the Senate has 100 elected members who also serve for a four-year term.

The Senate adopts its resolutions by a simple majority vote of at least half of the statutory number of Senators, unless otherwise specified in the country’s Constitution.

The Polish Senate can reject or amend the bills passed by the Sejm but any rejection or amendment may still be overruled by an absolute majority vote in the Sejm. The president of Poland signs adopted bills into law, though he/she does have the power of veto.

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