Officers of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) have presented the current Minister of Agrarian Policy, Mykola Solskyi with a notice of suspicion.

Solskyi is suspected of illegally seizing 2.5 thousand hectares of land in the Sumy region, according to a message posted by the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO) on Telegram.


The prosecutor suspects the former chairman of the Agrarian Committee of the Verkhovna Rada and the current Minister of seizing land in the Sumy region – an area of about 2.5 thousand hectares worth Hr.291 million ($7.3 million) – and an attempt to seize land with an area of about 3.3 thousand hectares for another Hr.190 million ($4.8 million).

The report further states that for the implementation of the scheme, its participants first ensured the destruction of documents on the basis of which state-owned enterprises had the right to permanent use of land.


Later, this became the basis for the regional StateGeoCadastre land registry service to draw up an act on the unauthorized occupation of these land plots by state-owned enterprises.

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Comments (2)
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It's not easy to remove systemic embedded corruption as it builds a system that propagates this. The electoral, judiciary, police, media, education, even religious leaders all configured to sustain a tyrant's reign. His cronies get wealthy based on loyalty....some not even competent in their assigned roles.

Fed lies and in oppressed lethargy, the public actually propagates its malfeasant regime. This country does not progress to offer much in the way of advancements to humanity.

Contrast that to democratic countries where the public united to leave the Russian model of governance. Those where an unstoppable 'Maiden Revolution' or similar occur. Their public infrastructure and services improve. They get access to truth, upon which better decisions can be made. They can apply the principles that advance one the lowest rung to the highest (education, innovation and hard work). They contribute back to greater society.

A country that identifies and eliminates sources of corruption is a country better serving the needs of its people. That sets the stage for a more prosperous future. Look at the aazing GDP progress of Estonia, the Czech Republic, Latvia since regaining their freedom from Russian occupation. Ukraine is on the right track. It is quickly moving up Transparency international ranking of least corrupt nations. Meanwhile Russia.....stuck at 141st place.
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Vultures backstabbing their own country during wartime deserves to be put to rest. The message from the state must be clear, zero tolerance for any crimes of officials.