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US War in Ukraine

What Republicans Who Oppose Ukraine Get Wrong

Steven Moore succinctly lays out the case for why all-Americans, most especially Republicans, should be united in giving military aid to Ukraine.

Aug. 28, 2023

Comments (7)
Michael Clark
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I really fear for Ukraine if the GOP wins the next election, I fear for US’s Allies, trading partners, Allies and the Climate of the Planet if Trump wins. In my country our government and people support Ukraine unilaterally and across much of the spectrum. Australia has given $1billion in AID so far. Australians have died fighting in Ukraine. Allowing RF to invade its neighbour is not the precedent that our system of nations should allow. The suggestions that Trump has made are absurd and appalling his bitterness towards Zelenskyy for not bowing down to his extortion is hating a man for being upright. If RF wins in Ukraine then the Baltic States are at peril Estonia and Latvia have ethnic minorities of Russian descent that Putin would step into take over. Our weakness would be apparent and Trump position on NATO is just what Putin wants. Russia must be stopped in Donbas not the Baltic
dr d b johbnson
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I operate a radio station in Odessa. It is getting bombed regularly. I am a conservative who thinks the US has done more than any other nation to support Ukraine militarily. But the nations closest to Ukraine, are not supporting it financially like they should and they need to step up. And how much of our treasure do we give Ukraine: 1 Trillion or more, while our allies sit back and let Uncle Sam do the heavy lifting as we have since 1945? I want Ukraine to win, but I don't want the USA to go into 40 trillion in debt, which will destroy our nation. There has to be a limit of how much more the American taxpayer funds. Let the Germans and the rest of NATO do it now.
david grant
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If the US republicans imagine the pittance being spent on supporting Ukraines independence is a price too high, it will pale into insignificance to what will be required if Russia prevails.
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Go listen to Tucker Carlson interview RFK Jr.

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@Brian, Tucker, the son of the Hungarian lobbyist in DC?
Sam Hartwell
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Lots of US domestic political hatred in the comments below. Disregard all. Most is just hateful nonsense. The point Steven makes is that the Party of Reagan has been hijacked by a minority of trumpist idiots. Truth is Trump hates Ukraine because Zelenskyy wouldn't investigate Hunter Biden, who is finally getting some deserved investigation BTW. Trump is a disaster for the traditional REP Party, the Trans-Atlantic Alliance and global peace, ready to sacrifice 40mil Ukrainians to putin because of person hatred of a great leader for Ukraine & Europe for that matter. Disgusting.
Joseph Swanson
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The republicans get everything wrong about Ukraine especially when a lot of republicans get campaign contributions from russia and their source of anything Ukraine is...trump, trump supporters like STEVE BLUTARSKI in this comment section, rt, vk, pravda, sputnik, fort russ, politnavigator, russian telegram channels, colonel macgregor, tucker carlson, fox new,breitbart, infowats, gab, truth social, scott ridder, tulsi gabbard, vivek ganapathy ramaswamy and other assorted communist russian garbage.

Then there's eric in this comment section who calls someone else stupid and says lack of history and read a history book...YET...eric, who claims to be 80 years old, defends the republican party with "they freed the slaves." BUT... forgets to mention the republican party allowed slavery to continue and it was Lincoln who wanted to send all the Africans in America back to Africa. Guess eric did not read that part of the history book...yet...maybe it will take him another eighty years to do so.

meanwhile, present day republicans are deliberately targeting and hurting African Americans with ridiculous voter ID laws, corporate tax breaks, always voting against bills that would help American infrastructure and provide jobs for the poor and working class, telling American women what they can and cannot do with their bodies, endorsing a criminal for president, and the republican parties cozy relationship with the communist piece of garbage known as putlin.

Publius Hamilton
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@Joseph Swanson, Your comments are long on hyperbole and short on facts to back up your parroting of DNC talking points. What Facts do you have to support your claims that Republicans are getting campaign contributions from Russia. That’s quite a claim.but do you have anything to support it? What evidence do you have to support your wild eyed claim of a cozy relationship with Putin. How were black Americans hurt by Voter ID laws? Georgia had a record turnout which refutes any claims of voter suppression. I could go on but it would be aware of time.

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A waste of time.
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Not all Republicans are traitors, but all traitors are Republicans.

Don't expect much from this deplorable party, traitors who admire slavers and traitors from America's Civil War era.

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@TPJ, This may be the stupidest comment I've read today! Your lack of a grasp of history is simply astounding! If you can read you may find that it was Abe Lincoln, a Republican who stopped the practice of slavery in America with the Emancipation Proclamation. Later after the Civil War Republicans gave full US citizenship to former slaves. Realize that good right thinking people are the majority in both parties and they frequently disagree on what our Federal Government's role is to be in our lives. Sadly we seem to have a bunch of totalitarian fascist elites holding sway in one party now and it is uncertain that our Constitutional Republic will survive. At 80 I hope to live long enough to find out.

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I guess you've had a busy day Eric. Yes they did do all that but what have you done for me lately GOP? In case you didn't notice Trump is leading in the polls for his party's nomination and for President! "Realize that good right thinking people are the majority" well where the hell are they then? @Eric,

Steve Blutarski
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@steve, Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s like a slow motion train wreck. Hard to look away. I hope you get the help you need.
Evan Richards
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Evan Richards
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