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War in Ukraine NATO UK

TALKING SUBSTANCE: Crossfire: Russia and the Shadow of World War

In this episode, we analyze the latest actions of the Ukrainian and Russian leadership, identifying issues and reflecting on the potential direction of the war. What's going to happen next?

In the new episode of Talking Substance, host Alina Hrytsenko discusses current developments in the Russo-Ukrainian war with our guest, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Glen Grant, an ex-British Army officer, who worked as an advisor to Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense, as a member of its Reform Office, and in General Staff reform committees and working groups. He is currently a defense analyst at the Baltic Security Foundation.

The discussants analyze the latest actions of the Ukrainian and Russian leadership, identifying problematic issues and reflecting on the potential direction of the war. What's going to happen next? Is Europe moving towards a full-scale war with Russia? Will Moscow use nuclear weapons? This and more in our latest episode.

Comments (8)
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This interview is quite thought provoking and at the same time frustrating. I so want Ukraine to win this war against Russia and reclaim all its territory. I can feel the frustration of Colonel Glen Grant with the mind set of many in Ukraine, who want their lives to go on as before, while Putin has the means to force probably a similar Russian reluctant populace to fight whether they want to or not. All of Ukraine, society, business must go an a military footing with the best people in Ukraine, and there are many, taking leadership roles to win this war. Moral justice is on the side of Ukraine. Ukraine has many clever people who in leadership roles can make Ukraine victorious. No more going out for tender to produce armaments. Decisive government direction and leadership is required. This is what Churchill provided in Britain to allow it to first survive the Nazi onslaught and then eventually win the second world war.
Coach John
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I must admit, I am an American citizen who absolutely loves and respects the country of Ukraine - and was thrilled that the latest package of Ukrainian aid was approved by my government to sustain the fight against the invading Russians.
Having said that - I implore the Kyiv Post readers who have watched this interview to understand that while this Ukrainian supporter would love unlimited and unending support from my country, it will likely not happen - even if President Biden is re-elected.
This latest $60 billion package may be in the eyes of Europe as being "about damn time", the American attitude will become, after three years of military support, "Damn, Ukraine - get your shit together."
I wish America's attention would stay on you 'for as long as it takes' - and it should! But I have the pulse of future American support in my mind - it tells me this will be the last major donation of supplies to Ukraine. Now we need European countries as the back-stop to buy and deliver American produced weaponry for Ukraine in 2025. That is the route to victory Ukraine needs to focus on - I truly believe y country is now tapped out after this latest aid package.
Pavel Muller
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I have commented previously, but I want to add also a comment on the interview. I think that the interviewer should be asking very specific and concrete questions and not allow the expert to make vague statements without explaining exactly what he means I think that the interview needs to retain for greater control then she has had in my experience here in Canada, and in the US, the interview would be much quicker interrupting, and asking specific questions to explain the comments that the interviewer has that the interview person has made. I have dictated this and saw they are some errors. I hope that you can still understand the gist of what I am saying if you want me to provide more specific comments feel free to contact me by
Pavel Muller
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I find the current guest being extremely non-specific he is obviously not happy with what Ukraine is doing, and he may or may not be right about that, but he certainly does not provide spec, concrete, factual description of what he would do differently he’s talking about the society being hundred percent engaged as Russia is, but he’s not saying what does that mean specifically I find this Interview all better still, this host not very helpful in understanding the situation in Ukraine or the best actions to be taken so that Ukraine does win which is obviously what I hope for
Richard Bachynsky Hoover
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Alina interview me one day film Bitter Harvest ..Girki Zhniva 2017 Holodomor movie I wrote exec.produced and 2022 Bucha hell I survived under RuZZian Orc barbarian occupation two weeks with my son and family in bunkers risking my life to feed families scavaging and losing five friends killed defending Bucha and my 2013.14 protesting and helped fighting The Dirty Yanukovich regime and his thug Berkut and police in Euro Maidan.
Richard Hoover
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Bravo to you both..well done!)) Good ole fashioned War drill 101 ...Alina played the devils advocate..well...Brit was spot on!! for each hard over confident serve she spun at him..She isnt as Green about the reality now..Shes articulate and well read...for a young lady..Brave..bravo!
Richard Hoover
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Excellent ping pong.The seasoned Brit wise Army gent educated Alina Im sure..Hes a hard nosed logical get things done kind of a Commander Gent with A Razor tongue but finesse too.
Richard Bachynsky Hoover
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Great both played the devils advocate to the tee....Ping Pong at play...Very smooth and The Ex Lueutenant Gent Wound up hitting the nail on the head every chance the ball fired at him by Alina..)) She learned alot in this rapid pace intrrview Q& A compact War 101 session with the clever wise seasoned Brit.Army Gent.