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Putin is a "Small Pathetic Man" Who Needs More Wars to Survive

American-born businessman Bill Browder, author of the Magnitsky Act that has been sanctioning Russian officials in 2016, has also authored two best-selling books: Red Notice and Freezing Order.

Pulling no punches, Browder explains the "psychopathy" and "depravity" that make up the character of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. What motivates the Russian autocrat? Browder argues that "Putin is a little man, who has stolen too much money, who is terrified of losing power. If he loses power he will go to jail, lose his money, and die. So you've this little money who is scared of losing his life. So what [does Putin] do?" He creates "a foreign enemy. That is what the Ukrainian invasion is all about."

Browder warns that despite heroic efforts: Ukraine can still lose the war if the West backs away from its commitments to the besieged nation. What would come next? Browder argues that Putin cannot back down or not begin an invasion of Europe: Putin's ability to survive, having stolen hundreds of billions from his own people, depends on him being able to portray himself as a war president keeping his nation safe.

Browder's gripping interview lays bare how sick the Putin Regime really is while highlighting the clear-and-present threat it poses to the collective West.

Comments (3)
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Putin, like Hitler, lied to the World about his intentions.He is a little man, with evil as his biggest trait.
Paul Morgan
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Fatuouis, absolutely fatuous to assert that Putin started this war merely to buttress his position.What about the Maidan coup? What about eight long years of the shelling and killing of mainly Russian-speakers in the Donbas? What about the self-confessed european deception of Minsk, following which French and German leaders confessed they were simply buying time to train, supply and provide intellligence for Ukraine?
Peace was available before the wear and at the Turkey talks but the naive Zelensky turned it down in favour of the US proxy war waged on Russia for geopolitical reasons. Please do n ot insult our intelligence.

Bob Boomhauer
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@Paul Morgan, Russia has no business in Ukraine with their criminal, genocidal war. Fascist excuse makers like you are scum. Russia started the war. Blurting out Nazi talking points like you just did makes you a Nazi. Go fuck yourself, moron.

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@Bob Boomhauer, little Bob Faghauer shows his cowardly ass again. Fuck off you piece of shit.
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@MRGA Troll "jack' posing as Paul Morgan,

LITTLE MRGA troll 'Jack'

Albeit their tombstones will someday be nameless, we will always know MRGA's troll 'jacks' by their writing style.

The defence of Ukraine had to kick into higher gear after putin stole Crimea from them. Putler, showed his continued criminal intentions, as he moved his theft / murder mechanism into the Donbas. You think it's not okay for Ukraine to fire back at an invader?

Russia's murderous land theft there was no different then what it had already done in so many other territories: Crimea from its original Tartar and subsequent Ukrainian inhabitants, Chechnya from Chechens, South Ossetia / Georgia, Transnistria / Moldova, Kaliningrad / Poland, Karelian territory / Finland, Qing and Siberian territories / China, Kural Islands / Japan...etc.

The russian scourge must end. IT is the duty of all civilized, international law abiding nations to ensure this.

...and troll 'jack' says what?
Maria Kackerova
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Spot on. When you are only President-for-life and committed that many crimes, there is no attractive retirement plan. The only alternatives are exile, jail or execution. Let's just say, Alina doesn't want to go shopping for boiler suits in Pyongyang.....

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@Maria Kackerova, sometimes , let us ask ourselves , what interests such autocrats do serve in the free democratic world ( freedom and democracy are relative though) ?
Why is such person kept alive ( and people like John Kennedy assassinated )?
Believe me as a person living in Lebanon , some Lebanese do not approve of Iranian regime dominance here in Lebanon through Hizbollat proxy and it is the same in the neighboring Syria refusing such authoritarian totalitarian regimes...Moreover , Iranian regime helps Putin regime and sells weapons to his " majesty "...

If we do look deeply , we all find that such people who create wars do a large favor for banks , arm manufacturing corporations and oil producing companies... Metals and grains do get more expensive and this serves interests of richer countries and large capitalists who can directly or indirectly affect politics in one way or the other...
All politicians and giant western media corporations worldwide divide among them profits and power or influence .
May peace , love , fairness be eternal...
Let us all be the change we wish to see in the world ...

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INternational interests are interconnected in ways seen or unseen ...but the winners more often set the rules of the game to their benefit. ..
God bring fairness and righteousness ...