Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky will meet Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in Madrid on Monday, May 27, as he seeks accelerated aid to combat Russia's invasion.

The Spanish prime minister's office confirmed that Sanchez would receive Zelensky at noon, followed by a joint press conference.

The Spanish royal family announced that King Felipe VI will also meet Zelensky at the palace after his meeting with the prime minister. King Felipe and Queen Letizia will then host a lunch in Zelensky's honour.

This marks Zelensky's first official visit to Spain since he assumed office in 2019, occurring over two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The visit was originally scheduled for mid-May but was postponed due to a Russian offensive in Kharkiv region.


Prime Minister Sanchez informed the Spanish parliament on Wednesday that the two countries are preparing to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement.

"We have made decisive progress in our bilateral relations with the Ukrainian government," said Sanchez.

"So much so that I can announce today that, as soon as the situation on the front allows, we will sign an agreement with Ukraine that will increase economic, social, and institutional cooperation between our countries."

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