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Zelensky Ukraine War in Ukraine

WATCH: Zelensky's Year-End Press Conference

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is holding his year-end press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 19, you can watch it online here.

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine is holding his year-end press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 19. The time and location of the event were undisclosed for security reasons until the very beginning.

President Zelensky's first major press conference took place in October 2019 at the Kyiv Food Market and lasted for 14 hours.

His last significant press conference was on February 24, 2023, marking the anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Comments ( 1)
Austin Rand, Ukraine supporter in Canada
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Ionly wish that Zelensky , in response to a question about the affects of dwindling Western military aid, had mentioned the fact that production of weapons and munitions right in Ukraine is now underway and is scheduled to increase in 2024, which is the best security guarantee that Ukraine can get. It would be helpful to everyone if KP could do some reporting on this topic so that everyone knows what is coming. Zelensky and his ministerscould thenconvey thissame information.once they have it in condense, fact-checked form from KP, to Western partners in the EU and NATO; gettting details on his development would give them confidence in the direction of the war, a turn of the tide and an approaching Ukrainian victory. so that they woud stop speculating about Ukraine having to make territorial concessions