Cyber specialists from Ukraine’s Military Intelligence (HUR) reported that they’d hacked Russian servers and can now establish the “complete structure” of Russia’s defense ministry.

“The analysis of the obtained data also helped to identify the generals, other high-ranking managers of the structural units of the Ministry of Defense, as well as deputies, assistants, specialists – all those who used software for electronic document management called ‘bureaucrats,’” the HUR wrote in a Telegram post on Monday (Feb. 4).

The hack has given Kyiv access to various classified documents, including those of Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov, the HUR says.

Without disclosing further details and using a handshake emoji, the HUR, thanked Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu: “🤝 This deputy shoigu played an important role in the success of the cyber attack.”


Ukrainian intelligence reported that it gained access to various orders, reports, instructions, and other documents that circulated among more than 2,000 structural units in Russia’s defense ministry.

“The work in Russian cyberspace aimed at obstructing and paralyzing the activities of law enforcement agencies and officials of the aggressor state responsible for the war against the Ukrainian people continues. To be continued!” the HUR added.

On Feb. 8, Ukraine’s cyber specialists said they’d conducted a special operation that caused massive failures in Russia’s drone control program.

Telegram App Blocks Ukrainian Military Intelligence Bot
Other Topics of Interest

Telegram App Blocks Ukrainian Military Intelligence Bot

The Intelligence Directorate channel bot is the official communication service for residents of Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories.

And on Jan. 30, the НUR said it attacked the Russian Ministry of Defense’s communications server.

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Comments ( 1)
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It's hard to ignore the meteoric rise of blockchains use in financial transactions, but while the technology does offer secure point to point money transfers, there is technology to audit who sends and who receives. Cybercrime analysis firm Chainalysis, report that 75% of ransomeware attacks funnel the proceeds back to russia. Tax payer funded Institutes in all are democracies are principle targets. It's costing taxpayers billions.

Putin always denies russia harbours hackers. However a hacked of >1 million documents from putins' huge 'troll' factory in Lakhta (a St. Petersburg district) reveals his state controlled Concord / Wagner group used cybertheft to finance his other criminal operations including coups in Africa. Their revenue comes from our pockets. Physical border walls won't stop Russia's historically unchecked cybercrime and dissent sowing industries. These attacks were russian act of war against us. NATO where were you?

This is the nature of the enemy we help Ukraine fight. It is gratifying to see Ukraine is able to counter russia with its own hacking technology. I hope the information HUR gleans from its recent hack of russia's defense ministry saves Ukrainian lives. I

I'm looking forward to the demise of putin's mafia state so cybercrime against us diminishes.

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@John, Ukrainian hackers seem very capable. I bet the Russians are hoping they don’t go after their roubles!! Even not to keep them, but to “lose” them would be useful.
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@John, and that goes for private citizens’ money too. The more unrest that can be generated, the better. It will distract the authorities.