The Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal thanked his German counterpart for taking the steps needed to help find Ukraine a path forward to rebuild, including a recent allocation of a 1 billion Euro grant for Ukraine.

According to Shmyhal, Ukrainian authorities plan to attend an international expert conference in Germany within the next few months.  The European Commission also declared that it was prepared to join the panel and that the results were being awaited with great interest.

Countries of the European Union continue to strongly support Ukraine since Russia began its illegal invasion of the country just over five months ago. On Monday, the European Investment Bank (EIB) announced that funds totalling 1.59 billion Euros have been approved for Ukraine and would send 1 billion Euros immediately. The funds will help to resume public services and to rebuild infrastructure.


Also on Monday, Ukrainian Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov announced that three of 15 promised German Gepard, self-propelled, anti-aircraft artillery (SPAAG) systems were already in the hands of the Ukrainian military and that Germany had also provided “tens of thousands” of shells to be used with the systems. The Minister noted that Ukraine was still waiting for “infraRed Imaging System Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled” systems, IRIS-T, from Germany.

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