Thirteen prominent members of the Polish-American diaspora have written an open letter to the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Polish President Andrzej Duda ahead of their meeting with the US President Joe Biden on March 12. The letter points to the critical importance of the meeting.

In the letter, diaspora members voice their concerns about Poland sending troops to Ukraine which in their view could lead to conflict escalation with Russia and have catastrophic consequences for Poland and the world.

The signatories of the letter express skepticism as to Ukraine’s ability to win the war with Russia and issue a dire warning that dragging Poland into the war is going to be viewed by Russia as an existential threat. That, in turn, is going to lead to the destruction of Poland.

‘’We urge Polish politicians to refrain from offensive rhetorical excesses and empty threats, which regrettably indicate an inability to realistically assess Poland’s capabilities in a situation of actual military confrontation,’’ the prominent members of the Polish-American diaspora warn in the letter.


The quote appears to be a veiled reference to the Speaker of the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament), Szymon Hołownia, who recently said that Poland is going to ‘’grind Putin into the ground’’ in an event of a Russian attack on Poland.

It’s unclear how much of an impact, if any, the letter is going to have on Polish and American policymakers but many Polish and American government officials are undoubtedly going to find the tone and timing of the letter and its content surprising, even suspicious.

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Comments (3)
jack Dunster
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tell that to the Russians.. they are the aggressors....
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"... a war that cannot be won ..." Right there is the red flag that this letter is a Russian psy-op. No true Pole is ever going to refer to a war of resistance against Russia in such defeatist terms. This is what gives away that this letter was written in, by or at the behest of the Kremlin, and just given to stooges for a fig leaf of credibility. I believe this letter is the work of the same Russian agents who have been stirring up Polish farmers against all things Ukrainian.

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@Michael, Great shared insight into the workings of putin's propaganda machine!

The Polish people and their recently elected leadership (Tusk) remain strong supporters of Ukraine. They know whats at stake for them next, if putin was allowed to get away with his crime spree in Ukraine.

I'm sure the MRGA trolls will shortly appear here as the always use such putin staged events to try to drive wedges into our alliances. Its not going to work. Putins' influence is 'kaput' (outside go MRGA circles), and I suspect his retribution not far off.

I see hehe kremlin's even been trying to get putin's buddy Erdogen to host a peace conference. Any peace discussion to which putin's existing cronies are invited is a waste of time. Until russia gets new leadership they are neither worth listening or talking to.
Joseph Swanson
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@Michael, That would be janusz korwin mikke in Poland.
Ron Lawton
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The short sightedness of people like this and America firsters. Never looking at the long term consequeces.
It will not stop with Ukraine. History proves this. Sudetenland, 1938, Chechnya, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine in recent history.

Look also outside of Europe at what tyrants have pledged to do.
Neville Chamberlain said, peace in our time. Instead of peace how many millions had to die.