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US Ukraine

Are US Congressmen Leaving Ukraine Out to Dry?

Congressman Jake Auchincloss, a Democratic from Massachusetts, has been a stalwart supporter of Ukraine but he's apprehensive about what is on the horizon.

Congressman Jake Auchincloss, a Democrat from Massachusetts, was a staunch supporter of Ukraine. He warns, however, that there is a storm on the horizon, and the situation may become more difficult for Ukraine to continue receiving important American aid, without which Ukraine would be in a difficult position.

Instead of asking when the ATACMS and F-16 will arrive, maybe the question is, "Why are some in Congress openly anti-Ukraine?"

Comments (14)
Joseph Swanson
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MADDY Guest • 3 days ago
Hundreds of billions of $$ to the Ukraine. No transparency. No accountability. Where has it all gone? Who has profited? Zelensky
has a multimillion dollar home in Miami, Florida, and homes in other countries. The US Congress has to protect taxpayers funds. The money is needed at 🏠 home.

Hundreds of millions? Factually WRONG.
Houses in Miami Florida? Show the links.
The money is needed at home? So the BILLIONS of US taxpayer money that are given to Israel and Taiwan for decades is not needed at home?
Where is home MADDY? St. Petersburg over on 55 Savushkina Street?
Tell me MADDY, is prigozhin's troll company "Patriot" still your employer now that it's ceo has been decaffeinated?
Joseph Swanson
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STOCKHOLM Guest • 3 days ago
"There are limits to American support of Ukraine."
Why are there no limits to American support of Israel and Taiwan? They get BILLIONS of US taxpayer money EVERY year for decades.
Joseph Swanson
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DAVID Guest • 2 days ago
Not enough work has been done by Ukrainian diplomats in the US to explain how and why further support of Ukraine against Russia is in American and NATOs best economic and strategic interests.

Such a handsome YET stupid statement.
The Budapest Memorandum is the explanation why the US MUST support Ukraine.
Ukraine is also a NATO do you think this looks if NATO treats it's partners poorly, what message does that send NATO members?
The stratic interest is self evident...sorry you are blind.
Joseph Swanson
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MADDY Guest • 3 days ago
Hundreds of billions of $$ to the Ukraine. No transparency. No accountability. Where has it all gone? Who has profited? Zelensky

There is transparency...all one has to do "MADDY" is use the same computer you used to type this stupidity and you will find sources from the Pentagon detailing where and what funding has been used for AND there are online periodicals that reflect this as well.
Joseph Swanson
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Are US Congressmen Leaving Ukraine Out to Dry?
This is the way of the american wasp...their history proves this.
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There are many rather ignorant American conservatives who are too simpleminded to realize how easily Putin has infiltrated the religious conservative community in America.

Putin portays himself as a lowly God fearing Russian patriot, with Patriarch Kirill by his side, lighting candles in church. He paints himself as the Russian Tump.

These American "useful idiots" have bought Putin's conjob hook, line and sinker. They still believe that Ukraine is a Nazi enclave, thanks to Putin's masterful manipulation.

"Nazi" is a Pavlovian trigger word for Americans.. Putin knows this very very well.
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Please, let us have fewer conspiracy theories and more facts.

If Zelenski has properties in Miami and other places let us have the proof.

We also get the usual anti- Jewish tripe- why am I not surprised?

It is up to the US House and Senate what they do. They will listen to arguments.

As for transparency, reports of the 3 US Inspectors- General operating in Ukraine would be helpful and how the Ukrainian criminal Courts have dealt with accusations by them. So far as I am aware, nothing of great value has been stolen.

In Europe, we have dealt with the threat of being invaded by the USSR and now the Czar from before I was born- we are used to it. Fortunately the UK has 21 miles of sea but that does not mean we are exempt from trouble in Europe east from us. It is still within living memory that we had dragon's teeth on our own eastern beaches!

So far as I am concerned, the sooner the Czar leaves Ukraine the better and we can all settle down. I note Armenia is now having a tough time as well.
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Not enough work has been done by Ukrainian diplomats in the US to explain how and why further support of Ukraine against Russia is in American and NATOs best economic and strategic interests.
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Fortunately democratic allied leadership is not weak enough to stray from the facts. A key one being, that putin's regime has been at war with all allied countries for well over a decade. With full impunity to date, their state sponsored cybercriminals and mercenaries steal allied IP, blackmail our companies, disable our infrastructure, murder or imprison those who share our values, and instigate coups in resource rich fledgling African democracies. They contribute nothing towards anything worthwhile. Russian trolls (and putin proxies like Trump, Lukasenka, Orban, Fico) only sow dissent in an attempt to divide and weaken democratic nations and alliances.

Russia is presently not a beacon of anything worthwhile as evidenced by the exodus of those able. No sane person from a democracy (not escaping legal problems at home) would ever want to move there. 

For those saying China is the looming problem, imagine the oppressive havic, they combined with a successful Putin regime, can render. If folks want a return to better times they need to first defang putins' regime. It's currently only costing us a small percent of our GDP. to do this; not a big deal at all when weighed against what Ukraine is contributing. 

Time for the free world to get to work. This is a world war and the outcome in Ukraine counts hugely towards protecting what you hold dear. Complain less, contribute more.
gavan duffy
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I think the East and central European nations in NATO are more concerned about Ukraine than the US. The US is a long way from Russia and fast becoming a social and political wreck.The Europeans must combine to defeat Putin's aggression something they are quite capable of doing.

Putin gambled correctly that the West, and the US in particular, was weak. Had NATO moved decisively at the onset of the Russian invasion Russia would have caved in quickly.Now Ukranians must fight and die alone.
Nowa Jan
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U.S. Congress is an Israeli-controlled territory-because of millions of dollars campaign donations from Jewish lobbyists like AIPAC. UNFORTUNATELY for Ukraine, clannish elite American Jews and Israel want to see Ukraine totally destroyed and more than 10 million Ukrainian refugees flooding EU countries who were involved in the HOLOCAUST- BECAUSE MORE THAN 1.5 MILLION UKRAINIAN JEWS WERE MURDERED BY GERMAN NAZIS AND CHRISTIAN UKRAINIANS. Extremely clannish elite Jews worldwide-those who believe that they are for the Jews only- will do anything quickly or slowly to avenge HOLOCAUST. They already started with Brexit to break EU- because they hate the Germans and the Italians forever- and they believe that EU is the new Holy Roman Empire. Then Ukraine war followed Brexit. Putin's Jewish oligarchs like Prigozhin-deceitfully persuaded Putin-that seizing Kyiv would be a cakewalk-that Putin and them can monopolize plundering Ukraine's natural resources and economy after seizing Kyiv.
Sweden II
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Compeard what the US has speant on other conflicts the resources sent to Ukraine has been modest. Very modest. And what’s at stake is practicaly everything. So it is difficult to understand some US politicians - do they want to give away their hard earned victory in the cold war?

bill lunn
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@Sweden II, Yes, worry not won't happen...even if Trump re-elected. Vlad will not have his way.....
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The premise. The very basis of this article is in the headline. US Congress members that don't support bottomless donations of free money and weapons are labeled anti-Ukraine. That's blind absolutism and a totally stupid conclusion. Ukraine deserves the support of the USA because the USA supports freedom. But the idea that every global issue must be addressed with American generosity is how the US built up a $20 trillion deficit. There are limits to American support of Ukraine.
Ukraine and the EU need to recognize this.

Arne Norheim
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Arne Norheim
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@Arne Norheim,
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@Arne Norheim, What???
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Because they are Trump/Putin loving fascists.

bill lunn
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@Chris., Neither are fascists. Consult dictionary please