The results of the long-awaited meeting of the European Council on Dec. 14 and 15, 2023, once again affirmed that Ukraine has firmly embraced the European path. However, the reality is that Ukraine must become a strong partner for the EU and NATO.

In the capitalist world, there is little room for emotions. This world is severe, and money matters always take precedence, no matter how much we’d like to discuss issues of justice.

Ukraine needs to take every chance of becoming an equal player on the global stage after the war.

We need to address the questions and problems that impact our future to achieve this.

How to bring Ukrainians back home after the war.

According to research by the Center for Economic Strategy (CES), from 5.6 million to 6.7 million Ukrainians remain abroad. The non-return of Ukrainians can significantly affect the Ukrainian economy, leading to an annual loss of GDP ranging from 2.7% to 6.9%. These individuals possess various levels of education, professional skills and well-being, but two-thirds of them would like to return to Ukraine.


The failure of migrants to return can significantly impact Ukraine’s demographic situation for many years. Initially, Ukraine will face a labor force deficit of 3.1 to 4.5 million people by 2032, according to preliminary estimates by the CES, the Center for Economic Recovery, and the Institute of Demography.

To bring back our compatriots who have gained experience worldwide and can significantly improve Ukraine’s position and boost its GDP, a strong modern national idea is needed. A program is required to mobilize and consolidate Ukrainians and their resources worldwide, as Ukrainians integrated in the international community can serve as ambassadors for our country globally, promoting Ukrainian interests abroad. Ukrainians want to contribute to their homeland not only within Ukraine. Israel and its influential lobby in the United States and the other parts of the world are examples.

No Compromising With the Kremlin
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No Compromising With the Kremlin

Despite all the talk of peace in exchange for Ukraine’s ceding territory, the reality is that Moscow will not be satisfied unless it control Kyiv. This would be disastrous for the West.

New thinking is needed

Ukraine must start thinking like a corporation and focus on generating income instead of relying on borrowed money. We need to take responsibility and enhance the competitiveness of our country, earning the respect of our partners.

Ukraine needs new economic models, such as the “Data Economy.” It should be a national project that envisions the creation of data computing and storage infrastructure using modern equipment, technologies and software. This includes cloud platforms, data processing centers, and computing power. Such infrastructure will not only generate income, but also serve as a secure oasis for Europe. The data market is already worth trillions of dollars.

Promoting innovation and improving the nation’s health

There is much publicity in the country about talented startups, etc. But let’s look at the most significant startups created by Ukrainians – where are they based? In the US, the UK, and other places where there is no corruption pressure.

Ukrainian entrepreneurs need real state support. An Innovation Fund and a network of technoparks are required to support and implement Ukrainian innovations. Additionally, there should be a network of lobbying “islands” in Europe, the US, Asia, Australia, and even Argentina. Each of these centers should be interested in implementing Ukrainian innovations and products in its respective region.


Changing the healthcare system, both military and civilian

One of the main problems in the industry is collecting depersonalized and validated data to help implement programs for the sustainable development of public health and introduce disease prevention at a higher level.

High-quality and verified information enables doctors to make more informed decisions, personalize treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes.

The analysis of large datasets can help identify patterns, trends, and risk factors associated with diseases. Accurate information on the spread of diseases, the use of medical services, and population health indicators helps governments and policymakers allocate resources more efficiently, determine priority areas, and make scientifically based interventions to improve public healthcare.

Information and data-based analytics can optimize the delivery of medical services, resource allocation, and operational efficiency.

We cannot delay; we need to act now! Ukraine faces challenges, but decisive actions in these areas can positively impact its future and strengthen its position among the family of European nations.


The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post.

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