February 7 marked the four-year anniversary of my removal from the National Security Council and the White House by Donald Trump.

When faced with the choice between blind loyalty to a President and the oath I swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, I chose the latter. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make, but it cost me my military career, my livelihood, and everything I had worked so hard to achieve in my professional career.

My reporting of Trump’s corruption and congressional testimony elicited the wrath of Donald Trump and precipitated a campaign of harassment, intimidation, and retaliation from his administration lackeys and MAGA supporters.

As a result, I was forced out of the White House and ostracized by the military. Fox News pundits hurled baseless accusations that I was a “Ukrainian Spy” to an audience of millions. Yet despite facing some of the worst of MAGA America, I have no regrets about my actions. Donald Trump’s request to President Zelenskyy was a clear, unambiguous example of abuse of power for personal political gain.


It is important to note I was fired the day after Trump was acquitted in his first impeachment. He was emboldened by the lack of accountability he faced. He continues to believe he is accountable to no one. I have zigged and zagged in the past four years and my family, and I are doing well, but every day I live with reminders of Donald Trump’s continued lack of consequences. The justice system is seeking to rectify that, and it cannot happen soon enough.

Tbilisi Arrests 2 US Citizens During ‘Foreign Agents Bill’ Protest
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Tbilisi Arrests 2 US Citizens During ‘Foreign Agents Bill’ Protest

Initial reports said two US citizens and one Russian citizen were among the 20 arrested at the ongoing protest against what many have called a Kremlin-inspired bill.

As a veteran and former member of the National Security Council, I remain committed to supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. I wear my dismissal for reporting corruption in the Trump White House with honor and now use my voice to advocate for leaders with values and ethics.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to excuse Trump for his crimes and grant him impunity. I hope they one day regret their actions and own up to their dishonorable conduct.


Why… because in America no one is above the law and Here, Right Matters.

Reprinted from the author’s blog Why It Matters. See the original here.

The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily of Kyiv Post.

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Comments (16)

Bob Boomhauer
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American Hack, go ahead and fulfill any fantasies you may have about Mr. Vindman. Just keep the details of your encounter to yourself you sick degenerate fuck.

American Hack
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Wow! The discourse here is full of intellect. I have a theory that the most homophobic are precisely 'phobic', meaning irrationally fearful. What is it they fear with such irrational venom? (Really, what is it that they fear?) I believe in the case of gay men, they fear that if the right gay man strikes their fancy and propositions them, they would be unable or unwilling to say no. It doesn't really make sense they would be so fearful of gay men for any other reason.

Or they secretly meet their needs for sex with gay men in special tea rooms and public cruising spaces.

Or they're just frustrated with their lack of courage to be who they really are. There is an old saying... thou doth protest too much. I can recall at least a couple dozen such men over several decades who got caught with their pants down with other men, mostly politicians.

Apparently this is a Russian thing, too. Maybe we should all live in worlds where we're free to be who we are.

American Hack
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First, thank you for your service to our country. Hopefully America will see a new crop of Democrat (and moderate, truly conservative Republicans) sweeping into offices in coming elections. I wouldn't wish such an endeavor on anybody who doesn't chose to run based on their own decisions. Good luck and best wishes in whatever you chose for your future. We are lucky to have you in any case.

spreading the good news
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@who cares, no no Jack-Off, I got a problem with homosexuals. They are a disgrace to the world, and they are a disgrace to God's plan for man why don't you go shove his cock up your ass huh.

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@T.M.Orton, I'm surprised MRGA troll handlers allow you to say that about their "insurrectionist in chief", former democracy hating presidential menace, and now 81 times felony charged citizen Donald Rump.

Still it was bound to happen as the veil of stupidity slowly falls from the MRGA cult members heads.

Thanks for turning against putinrump's dark forces

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@Jack Griffin, Thanks for identifying the MGRA trolls in your first sentence Jack. This will make it easier to target who foreign volunteer Ukraine supporters need to spend time debunking.

Also thanks as always for wasting your boss putinrump's payroll, reading and responding to my admittedly long winded Ukraine supportive posts.

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It appears Mr. Swanson has gone off the deep end.

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You dishonored your Oath and your service, perjuring yourself in service of faction and aiding Sedition.
In a just world you'd still be rotting in Fort Leavenworth...

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@T.M.Orton, I'm surprised your troll handlers allow you to say this about MRGA's 'insurrectionist in chief", democracy destabilizing, former US presidential menace and now criminally charged citizen rump.

Joseph Swanson
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JOSEPH SWANSON Guest • 22 hours ago
Vindman, another fudge packer with an axe to grind and a cock to suck.
Impersonation is illegal. reported.

Joseph Swanson
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Vindman, another fudge packer with an axe to grind and a cock to suck.

Joseph Swanson
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First "american chris, then american veteran chris, now american maga, then american david."
WOW! The titushkys over at "Patriot" are trying really hard to give the illusion they are "american."

Joseph Swanson
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Mar-A-Gulago Awaits
Megalomaniac Asshole Gets A$$-smote!
Moronic Autocratic Gasbags Attend

This is Joseph Swanson, reminding all in the reading audience to help control the maga population by having your maga spayed or neutered.

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So Vindman spoke the truth. Is that why rump fired him? ! Dont the maga aga whatever like the truth?

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Thank you Mr. Vindman for having the courage to take a principled stand in upholding the USA's constitution from political tyrants!

Former national security adviser John Bolton said President Biden has “it pretty well nailed” when describing his former boss trump.

 Bolton’s comments come after Politico reported last Thursday that Biden, in private, describes Trump as a “sick f‑‑‑”,

"Well, I think in personality terms, I think the President Biden has it pretty well nailed,” Bolton recently said on CNN News Central. ”

It’s not the personality that’s the problem. He doesn’t understand the job, particularly in the national security space,” Bolton said on CNN. “He didn’t learn much in the first four years. He certainly hasn’t learned anything since then.” “In a second Trump term, we’d almost certainly withdraw from NATO,” Bolton said.

rump = absolute disaster for the USA, NATO and all allied democracies......thats why the MRGA trolls are so strongly pushing rump and the MRGA cult members on these forums.

Spread the word. Don't let any MAGA contacts drink rump Kool-aid and drive anything.

John notthat john
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@John, go play on the merry go round. Your long scribbles is annoying.

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@John notthat john, I imagine for some they would be. Then again no-one is forcing you to read them. My interest in posting is solely to either debunk russian troll propaganda / lies or other wise in some way show my support to the Ukrainians. I'll apologize to any similar minded folks I've offended.

I notice this is your first posting under this particular commenter name. Just out of interest what is your purpose monitoring the Kyivpost comments?

Is there something supportive you would like to say for Ukraine?

Donald not cheesecurl.
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Fired or transfered !*^$#

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Vidman is a traitorous lying scumbag. The fact that the Kyiv Post would put anything by him in their paper doesn't bode well for them. Tell you what, when the senile lying Biden is out of a job later this year perhaps you all can have him over there. As you recall from your past experiences, he sells out his country for mere millions of dollars.

Philip Tummarello
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Don't forget his being an in the bag demokkkrat shill operative.
