St. Petersburg Governor Alexander Beglov asserts that Russian servicemen deployed in Ukraine have spotted “gender-neutral toilets” in local schools, and this revelation makes them fully understand “which values they uphold.”

Sharing this insight on his Telegram channel on Saturday, Jan.13, Beglov detailed his visit to wounded servicemen in a hospital.

“Those who have been to the ‘Ukrainized’ version of Donbas with a machine gun in their hands understand well what we are fighting for,” Beglov stated.

“These guys, having witnessed toilets in schools featuring not just two, but three rooms – for girls, boys, and the gender-neutral – require no explanation about the values we uphold,” he added.

The governor expressed satisfaction after speaking to the military, claiming they “perfectly understand” his sentiments.


This complaint about gender-neutral toilets is not unique to Beglov. In December 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov voiced his disapproval of such facilities in Sweden during the OSCE Council of Foreign Ministers summit.

“I asked, ‘Is this for ladies or for gentlemen?’ They told me, ‘We have everything in common.’ I didn’t believe it, but it really was like that. You have no idea how un-human this is, it's just not human,” the minister said.

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Comments ( 1)
Ken Hallett
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Sergei Lavrov: ... "You have no idea how un-human this is, it's just not human,” the minister said.

The 'projection' in this sentiment is striking.

It's a third room, likely a single-occupancy room far smaller than a regular multi-stall bathroom, but bigger than an accessible stall and washing facility for people with disabilities. It's available for use by moms and dads with small children, as well as people who don't feel comfortable in restrictive gender labels for any reason.

'Labels' and 'identifiers' change over time with politics, understanding, and compassion. People born with ambiguous genitalia used to be identified like plants, not people. We presently respectfully call them intersex. They are, according to the internet, about 1 in 4,500. Historically we have done horrific surgical experiments on them, often with devastating results. We should stop that, and we should accommodate them as they are, as much as possible, until they can make their own decisions. The same is true for all genital mutilation, including male and female 'circumcision'. We do these things to inhibit sexual sensation and enjoyment. If we do it for religion, we are permanently forcing a religious identity on our children, taking away their right to free will.

There are absolutely legitimate psychological aspects of personality these accessible facilities can accommodate. Gender fluidity should be accepted in any case, for many reasons.

In a word, they are 'human'. Grow up, Sergei.