Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Russians 20 hours after the terrorist attack on a Moscow concert hall (“Crocus City Hall”).

In a televised address, he confirmed that 11 people were detained, including four directly involved in the attack at the concert hall. Putin linked the attack at “Crocus City Hall” with Ukraine.

“They (terrorists) tried to escape and were moving towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary information, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border,” he said.

Putin announced that special services are actively working to identify accomplices of the terrorists. In response to the attack in Moscow and the region, as well as across the country, he declared the implementation of “additional measures of an anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage nature.”


Putin likened this terrorist attack to “the crimes of the Nazis in the occupied territories,” emphasizing that “all those responsible, organizers, and instigators of this crime will face a fair and inevitable punishment, whoever they are, whoever directed them.”

Furthermore, the Russian president declared March 24 as a national day of mourning.

According to reports from the Meduza Russian media outlet, citing sources from two separate Russian media organizations, the Kremlin mandated that state-owned and government-loyal media highlight the "Ukrainian connection" in their coverage of the terrorist attack at the concert hall.

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Ukraine's foreign ministry said the decision demonstrated "the desperation of the Russian state machine and propaganda, which are at a loss for what else to invent to garner attention".

The Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia released a statement in the morning of March 23 suggesting a potential “Ukrainian connection” to the Moscow terrorists.

The FSB claimed that following the attack, the suspects allegedly planned to cross the heavily guarded Russian-Ukrainian border, currently one of the most secure and challenging borders in Europe. The FSB also alleged that the detainees had “relevant contacts on the Ukrainian side.”

Responding to these claims, Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR) of the Ministry of Defense, dismissed the FSB's statements as “absurd.”


“These assertions by the FSB are aimed either at the misinformed or the indoctrinated Russian population,” he said.

“To suggest that after more than two years of a full-scale invasion, terrorists would head towards border regions that are currently highly saturated with security forces, special services, and military presence, I believe no further comment is necessary,” Yusov added.

He said that the FSB's accusations are “falsehoods and an effort by the Russian regime to divert Ukrainian attention, a tactic they have employed since the initial moments of this terrorist attack.”

The Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISIS–K), a regional branch of the Islamic State terrorist group active in South-Central Asia, claimed responsibility for the attack. The US State Department, according to a BBC “verify” service report, considered this claim likely to be true.

Ukraine's presidency and Foreign Ministry firmly denied any involvement in the attack, with its military intelligence labeling the incident a Russian “provocation” and alleging potential involvement of Moscow's special services.


Kyiv rejected Russian claims of a Ukrainian link to the attack on a Moscow concert hall, which resulted in the deaths of over 100 people.

“The assertions made by Russian special services regarding Ukraine are entirely baseless and absurd,” stated Mykhaylo Podolyak, an aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Comments (9)
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I have decided that the person calling himself Jack Griffin is really a composite of three or four people in Russia. From now on I shall call him/her platypus.
Platypus drinks vodka to excess and has an “unusual relationship” with his mother, shall we say.
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@Jack Griffen, Right on! Way to call putler & his orcs what they are Ukraine supporting version of the infamous Jack Griffen!

Don't anyone feel the need to read this note further.....its for the troll version of 'Jack'. I notice that MRGA supporting version has been prompted above to use his very strongest "psycho psycho" alliteration.

I suspect he's been working so hard these last few months to to sow dissent and falsehoods for his masters in hopes it might win him the MRGA troll farms' Easter ham contest! Some Ukraine supporter comments these past few months might have just blown his chances.

Judging from the growing community of Ukraine users that seem to enjoy toying with this troll each day I don't think his plan is working. Still it would be nice if whoever does win the easter ham at the troll farm gives him a piece. Thats just cruel to have to smell a cooked ham, but not get offered any. I don't think troll jack handles torture very well...seems to really stress him out. He might come back and use the 'pyscho' preface 3 times in a row.

You know what is a bit funny though, is that he spends hours each day reading everything we type.....he says he doesn't, but he does.

Thats great as it keeps him out of causing worse trouble.

At any rate....troll version of 'Jack' I wrote this for you. Glad you made it to the end.
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Hey the person who professes to be "Jack Griffin", if you're going to try to impersonate someone dipwad, try spelling their name correctly. You regular folks on these threads are psychotic psychopaths.
Jack Griffen
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Putler is a thief and a loser. These orcs are all looters , scumbags. Lying to look important.
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On the 8th of October, Putin was visiting Bishkek, where he was asked about the Hamas attack on Israel. With his mouth he spoke words of condemnation, but his face couldn’t hide how sincerely pleased he was.

So the oct 7th attack on Israel was good (they had it coming), but the attack on Moscow yesterday was bad?? I am confused.

What does makes sense, is that the suspects were believed to be fleeing in the direction of Ukraine. After all, according to the Ukrainians still living in the Donbas, Russia’s ‘liberation’ has resulted in a complete state of lawlessness.

Speaking of lawlessness, maybe these terrorist pigs can sign contracts with the Russian military and pay of their debt to Russian society by killing some more innocent civilians in Ukraine. Win-win for Putin.
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For once, no “Jack Griffin” nonsense and hate. All good commentary below.

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@Imokru2, Hey Imoru2, whine harder you worthless piece of joke for a life form. This comment forum is idiotic, just like you. I can offer whatever "Your Name" I desire and with a Virtual Private Network access and a never the same e-mail address, I can post away. All you offer is pure arrogant stupidity. Keep up the good work whiner.
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It is Russians who attack civilians not Ukrainians. The only other people who attack civilians are members of ISIS.

We are the only humans (homo sapiens) in the universe. By nature, we are warlike, there is always a war going on somewhere. It is our aggressive tendencies that probably will one day end our species. Think about that,

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@Imokru2, "By nature, we are warlike,..." Do you have any clue the "psychological projection" you just offered up? Weak people who don't own enough of themselves project. You just like John the loon from Canada are shameless idiots. You both prove that fact by every post you make.

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Hijack....just stopped by to hold you cognitively hostage for a few more minutes.

You keep saying Ukraine supporters don't own ourselves, but have not explained what you mean. Could you explain?

If I don't own all of me who does? Are we talking about me being controlled by your psychically psychic psychical (alliteration?) powers ....thats so cool.

Guess how many fingers am I holding up?
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Another day...another bunch of lies from putin. Yum, yum stupid RT zealots....gobble up your foul putin lies for the day.

I mean for gosh sake, a sick international terrorist organization (ISIS) has already admitted to these recent russian civilian murders. ISIS also loves to blow up allied assets and murder / behead our citizens. Yet putin will make the laughable claim this terrorist organization's attack is now linked to the west. This is a very different situation that when an attacked sovereign nation militarily responds to putin's criminal invasion of their country.

Logistically even, what are the odds that ISIS would try to escape in a direction that required it cross the enhanced security / military presence of two actively warring nations between which is a heavily mined no mans land. That would single handedly be the stupidest thing ISIS had ever done.

They are vile and psychotic in their means of murdering innocent citizens (which only morally weakens their cause), but they are not stupid......Very much similar to putin in that way....terrorists who just don't value the lives of innocents and figure out all kinds of foul ways to murder.

So as you watch the gremlins fake news Russians, please use some logic. You finally got hit by a terrorist group like the rest of us. You have to admit the irony though, given your nation itself is actually lead by a convicted war criminal currently sowing international terrorism.
Mark Rockford
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The usual pathetic tripe from Putin and the Kremlin. Calling everyone Nazis, in spite of the fact that THEY are the ones committing the kinds of war crimes that are the Nazi’s legacy. Putin will likely be in for a surprise when he pushes through his mass mobilization. If the “elections” were any indication, more and more Russians understand Putin is the problem. Are they enough to overcome the hoards of dullards that make up the general Russian populace? Time will tell.

Иван Дулин
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@Mark Rockford,
It's funny, you heard 1 word about the Nazis and already turned the whole speech upside down... Listen to the speech translated, it speaks of retribution for those who are guilty of it. He compares this event as hatred for the Russian people, and says that this is the act of the Nazis

Mark Rockford
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@Иван Дулин, No one is interested in Pro-Putin, pro-Russia “explanations.” Russia has been committing war crimes in Ukraine for years now. It is Putin and his regime who are the heirs of Hitler’s legacy. Putin cries about people hating Russia, when it is he who is responsible for creating this global dislike of the nation. He has been sowing discord and violence for decades. When he is gone, the world will be a better, more peaceful place.